"WingMakers es un recurso para aquellos que están interesados ​​en los valores espirituales de su corazón y su mente, y están buscando nuevas ideas e inspiraciones para estimular su crecimiento y sentido de propósito. WingMakers no es una organización o un grupo de personas empeñados en resolver los problemas de hoy. Es exquisitamente personal. Está diseñado para ayudar a la persona a activar o profundizar en su camino espiritual" El Plan WingMakers

En el Menú encontrarás nuestra selección del material original de los WingMakers para su estudio y práctica.
Para volver a WingMakersBlog clica en la imagen de la derecha. Gracias por tu visita.

"WingMakers is a resource for those who are interested in the spiritual values of their heart and mind, and are seeking new insights and inspirations to stimulate their growth and sense of purpose. WingMakers is not an organization or a group of people bent on solving the issues of today. It is exquisitely personal. It is designed to help the individual to activate or deepen their spiritual path, so they can rise to the purpose they came to serve as both a soul and soul carrier." The WingMakers Plan

In the Menu you'll find our selection of the original material from the WingMakers for ​its ​study and practice.
To return to WingMakersBlogeng click on the image from the left. Thank you for your visit.

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Your awakening, while slow and sometimes painful, is assured, and this you must trust above all else. First Source Transmission 1: My Central Message

The study and implementing this material is a form of self-discovery and self-perception of oneself. You are your only master worthy of following the vibrations of Light and sound Universal, which are encoded in the teaching material - music, images, videos, animations, texts, poems, exercises - whose common purpose is to awaken in you your own intuition and creative imagination that will take you to your higher self.

For the study and practice, you can use what is displayed in this section  (click on the image you want) or use your own intuitive selection.

This material does not need activation, since it is able to communicate directly with primary sources through the language of the unit. These frequencies are there to be perceived by our Higher Self.

Good practice!
