"WingMakers es un recurso para aquellos que están interesados ​​en los valores espirituales de su corazón y su mente, y están buscando nuevas ideas e inspiraciones para estimular su crecimiento y sentido de propósito. WingMakers no es una organización o un grupo de personas empeñados en resolver los problemas de hoy. Es exquisitamente personal. Está diseñado para ayudar a la persona a activar o profundizar en su camino espiritual" El Plan WingMakers

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"WingMakers is a resource for those who are interested in the spiritual values of their heart and mind, and are seeking new insights and inspirations to stimulate their growth and sense of purpose. WingMakers is not an organization or a group of people bent on solving the issues of today. It is exquisitely personal. It is designed to help the individual to activate or deepen their spiritual path, so they can rise to the purpose they came to serve as both a soul and soul carrier." The WingMakers Plan

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“Let your universe be the altar upon which the consciousness of Spirit can descend.”
Liminal Cosmogony

To bring about this practice is necessary to understand the concept of  the Presence. It goes beyond being aware of the present moment.

The Practice of the Presence is an important facet of Lyricus. And it’s a practice that requires both discipline and patience. The basic framework deals with understanding the relationships of the Quantum domain with the mental and emotional domains of the human self. We call this: The Wholeness Paradigm.

In our modern world, the intellect and emotions can generate a great amount of discord and incoherence within the local multiverse and this creates a field effect that can cause an unintended disconnection between the human self and the Quantum Presence. So this phase of the Practice is concerned with emotional coherence leading to virtuous behaviors, and mind attunement leading to surrender, and I mean surrender in terms of allowing your Quantum Presence to be the governing intelligence over your feeling and thought domains.

The interesting thing is that the activation of the Presence is a simple process but rarely acknowledged by the leading spiritual paths on the planet.(...) What happens, is the leader is framed outside of humanity with a unique destiny, and to some extent that’s true, but the core experience—access to their Presence and its innate empowerments—this is absolutely normal and available to all who put forth the effort.

 How does one surrender to the Presence when it’s such an abstraction for most of us?

First, the discord within the emotional body requires transformation, which is to say, the feelings of anger, frustration, greed, judgment… envy, and disappointment… all of these negative emotions are energetic densities that accumulate in your local multiverse and their energies need to be cleared… essentially escorted from your local multiverse.

Remember when I was talking about the etheric antenna/transmitter?

When one lives a love-centered life, practicing the six heart virtues to the best of their abilities in the smallest nooks and crannies of their life, they unfold around themselves an antenna. This antenna is etheric. In other words, it exists in a state of energy that our eyes and ears do not detect. And it’s designed like a finely tuned instrument that both receives and transmits the radiations of the higher frequencies from First Source. So this antenna surrounds our human instrument, occupying the same space as our body, and yet because it’s composed of light frequencies of a high nature, it’s not bound to the reality and limitations of the third dimension like our physical body, for instance. 
When our hearts are relaxed, loving and understanding, appreciative, trusting, the etheric antenna becomes... becomes receptive like a flower opening its petals to the sun. If our heart is anxious, troubled, angry, or tumultuous, the same antenna, similar to the way a sensitive plant closes its petals at sunset, passes into disorder and its fine-grain connection to the higher frequency radiations of First Source are cut off or diminished.
Well, that’s what is shut down amid these calamitous frequencies… and that’s all they really are—frequencies—the harmonics of disharmony. So in order to clear these accumulated frequencies, one needs to keep open their heart, because the heart is the ground upon which the etheric antenna is planted, and its roots, metaphorically speaking, they enfold the heart and are supremely sensitive to the heart’s frequencies.

It is through the practice of the six heart virtues that the Presence is invoked, in part. This invocation or Practicing the Presence… it’s not an exact formula. It never is. Some of the Ascended Masters use specific techniques or decrees, but those within Lyricus, we prefer to only offer the paradigm and let the individual co-create with their own Presence the optimal way to invoke its governing intelligence into their life.

Why do you call it the Wholeness Paradigm?

This is very important, so please listen carefully; because the local multiverse and Quantum Presence are the core elements of understanding that the individual requires. These are the activating elements of the paradigm. With this understanding of your Presence, and its local multiverse, you can navigate to wholeness, you really don’t require any other teaching or teacher, provided, of course, you’re resourceful, and patient, and persistent, and act upon the guidance of your heart and your Presence.

Within the heart of the individual—prior to their activation or awakening—lives a fragment of First Source, but only sufficient in energy to enable the life, or entry into the schoolroom of the human domain. It is not, in itself, powerful enough to propel it instantly into the state of Wholeness. This, this can only be done in steps and each of these steps is the beckoning from the human self to the Presence that surrounds and envelops it. 

The human heart reaches out to the Quantum Presence and in each effort of calling, invoking, appreciating, summoning, believing, praying, loving—its energy is strengthened, its bond with the Presence becomes clearer, its vision is more encompassing. It allows Presence to be the governing intelligence that pervades the local multiverse and then you are sovereign… then you are limitless within your local multiverse… and you see the Presence in others even when they cannot.

Play with the Wholeness Paradigm. Play with this paradigm and breathe it into your life. Take the thousand steps of loving and appreciating your Quantum Presence. There are no shortcuts because preparations must be made for the merging of your human self with your Quantum Presence. They exist in different frequencies and to mesh these frequencies is not something you want to do too quickly, so be kind to yourself and others, and have grace and patience.  
Each morning as you arise to enter the schoolroom of your human self, invite your Presence to accompany you in all of the geometries of your life… even the mundane and ordinary passages.
Feel this bond between your human self and your Quantum Presence as a partnership ordained by First Source, and enabled by your most powerful aspirations as an immortal being—the aspirations that you are afraid to even imagine for they seem too unlike you—too extraordinary for any human to believe. And yet here you are, even now, leaning forward with your divine ears, knowing that what I say is indeed your truth. This is resonance. This is how you are guided. How you navigate the local multiverse that is your schoolroom.

The key is to hold the understanding in all parts of you, not just your head.

Really is harmony. There’s a harmony of understanding, where the local multiverse is harmonious because knowledge and understanding flow with ease and the individual feels that they have access to every insight or solution they require. That whenever a problem arises, a solution arises hand-in-hand. Whenever a bad mood budges in, you can dispel it with ease. Whenever a doubt of your Presence arises, you have the power to dismiss it.

A common way people lose their harmony, and by association, their confidence, is through judgment—of oneself and others. And what is the antidote of judgment? It is blessing. 

Next time you’re around a person or a group of people and you find yourself going into judgment, shift your emotions to blessing them. Feel your Presence—your 4200 cubic feet of Presence reach into their Local multiverse and overlap in common interest, and that common interest is to exchange blessings as divine beings.

This is but one example of how you can transform the discord of doubt to the confidence of harmony.

When you hold blessings and project them from your heart center they expand from your local multiverse without limit.
I realize this seems impossible that one individual can radiate blessings from their heart and affect another person thousands of miles away, but our Quantum Presence is not limited to our human domain and the laws that our human self is subject to, including the laws of time and space.

The human self consists of 3 cubic feet and the Presence is 4200 cubic feet. But as I alluded to earlier, the Presence is connected to its Source through the umbilical cord of Spirit or Source Intelligence and it’s from this connective thread that the local multiverse is truly infinite, overlapping all others, and this is what’s meant by Wholeness.

Our Quantum Presence is what navigates our human self to the understanding of Personal Wholeness, but this desire is only an echo of the real motivation—to realize Universal Wholeness while preserving our individuality.

This is a literate culture where words rule the day. The language of the mind is words. The language of the heart is feelings. But the language of our Presence is behaviors or activity. If you stay in the intelligence of your Presence, by giving it your attention, then the things that come within your local multiverse that have a lower density, they will have minimal effect, as you can—from the empowerment of your Quantum Presence—transform them with ease.

It is not so much about dissolving discord or eliminating it, it is more about transforming the lower densities through the activity of the Presence, and you may or may not be conscious, at the human level, what your Presence does to transform these lower densities, but when you summon your Quantum Presence to transform densities, you are activating its governing intelligence, as though you were switching on a light.

Then… then you step out of the way and you allow your Presence to bring you the technique, the thought form, the action, the new behavior to transform the lower density.

What we can control, are our behaviors and which intelligence we consciously align to: the intelligence of our Quantum Presence, or the intellect of our human self? Are our behaviors motivated by the transient desires of our human nature, or do they arise from our Quantum Presence as an outgrowth of our love for our Creator and one another? 

Each time a person aligns to their Presence, they signal an alignment to love, an alignment to First Source, and an alignment to all creaturehood.
While this may not manifest in the physical spectrum of phenomena—a density for the benefit of your eye-brain, I might add; it manifests in your sense of coherence, your sense of out-flowing love, your sense of multidimensional relationships, your sense of guidance, your sense of resilience in the face of discord, your sense of connection to others.

We’ve talked about the Quantum Presence and its role as the hub of the Wholeness Paradigm. I’ve mentioned that the Presence is the governing intelligence of your local multiverse. I’ve spoken of the importance in seeking to activate the communication between our human self and Quantum Presence. And now I want to say that there is more than simply activating and understanding the Wholeness Paradigm, there is also the ongoing evolution and preparation of the local multiverse through the Quantum Presence, and this requires self-discipline or self-management.

When you summon your Quantum Presence to direct your local multiverse, you are activating its power into your human life, and this power is very potent. Its potency requires that you bring balance to your life; that you operate in harmony. If you do not, the power of your Quantum Presence can intensify your imbalance or disharmony. I say this not as a warning so much as a point of clarity. If your human self operates in a sober clarity with balance, managing its emotional and mental bodies with ease and balance, then the power issued from your Quantum Presence can radiate from you and have profound effect not only in your own multiverse, but others as well.

If you call on this power, but then proceed to conduct your life in emotional disorder, or give your attentions to the transient pleasures of life, according to your intellect, or ego, then you may intensify your disorder, or your desire for the material aspects of life. When this occurs, your Quantum Presence withdraws. The flow is constricted as if a tourniquet is applied to your spiritual nature and the circulation of the higher frequencies is diminished.

My point is that if you practice the Presence, you must be vigilant to also practice harmony in your feeling world and attunement in your mental domains. The governing intelligence of your Quantum Presence requires behavioral intelligence in your human self. It’s the only way to secure the full empowerments of your spiritual nature. For those wanting shortcuts or an easy pathway to enlightenment—you won’t find it here, and in my experience, you won’t find it anywhere. Despite what you might hope for, the quick and easy pathways leads to the astral domain of the phenomenalistic, and to those serious students, it’s simply another detour leading away from sovereignty and freedom.

The darkness that embraces our planet is the accumulation of human discord. Densities upon densities upon densities have settled upon the human domain like sediment on the ocean floor. When it is stirred up, the light is obscured. The layers of greed, war, jealousy, anger, misunderstanding, racism, fear, and hatred they have all interleaved and created this darkness. For some it is normal. For those who are awakened, it is repugnant, and many of you I know are tired—tired of waiting for the promised changes, for the shift to a love-dominated world where people of all colors, creeds, and beliefs can live in harmony and co-creation.

The components of darkness are entities unto themselves. So there is an entity of War, an entity of Greed, and so forth, but these entities are becoming, every day, a little weaker, less potent. And what is getting stronger is the collective consciousness of humanity. There will come a time when the collective intelligence of humanity subdues the entities of War, Greed, Racism, and Fear and essentially evicts them from the planet.

It may not happen as quickly as some would like, but this is the path we are committed to. If you feel fatigue and impatience, invoke your Quantum Presence to uplift you and provide you with resilience and determination. You are empowered beings. You are able to do miraculous things, even amid a small amount of doubt, but do your best to release your doubts and limitations. The human imagination is equally effective in arguing for its limitations, as it is in envisioning its freedoms and powers.

If there is one last comment I would make, it would be to contemplate the Wholeness Paradigm. I haven’t defined it completely because you are the artisans of that endeavor. I’ve provided some clues and a modest framework, but the visualization is a key element of this paradigm. Activating your imaginative powers is the muscle of the paradigm.

Surround yourself with music, and art, and culture, and loving relationships. Bring these into your local multiverse and let them inspire your imaginative powers. I would encourage you to participate in the EventTemples when they are launched. There will be seven temples in total, and these will be released over the next four years. If you can participate in the EventTemples, it will help you exercise your Quantum Presence, because you will be part of a quantum community who collectively is radiating love and compassion to those in need.
