"WingMakers es un recurso para aquellos que están interesados ​​en los valores espirituales de su corazón y su mente, y están buscando nuevas ideas e inspiraciones para estimular su crecimiento y sentido de propósito. WingMakers no es una organización o un grupo de personas empeñados en resolver los problemas de hoy. Es exquisitamente personal. Está diseñado para ayudar a la persona a activar o profundizar en su camino espiritual" El Plan WingMakers

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"WingMakers is a resource for those who are interested in the spiritual values of their heart and mind, and are seeking new insights and inspirations to stimulate their growth and sense of purpose. WingMakers is not an organization or a group of people bent on solving the issues of today. It is exquisitely personal. It is designed to help the individual to activate or deepen their spiritual path, so they can rise to the purpose they came to serve as both a soul and soul carrier." The WingMakers Plan

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The six heart virtues are given to each of us from our Creator so that we in turn can express them–as faithfully as we can–to our fellow beings. That is the purpose in our relationships as simply as it can be depicted in language. When we place our attention on these virtues we are beginning to practice their expression even as we think about them. When we imagine their fullness–their energetic structures–we are practicing them at a new, more potent level. The practice is not just expression; it is contemplation and study as well.

You might wonder why Love is not among the six virtues. Just as sunlight, when it passes through a prism, becomes a multicolored spectrum of color, so does love, when it passes through the Domain of Unity, become the heart virtues. Love is the deepest structure in the multiverse. It passes through all dimensions of existence and fields of consciousness until it finds the imprint of First Source crystallized in a form of life. If the form of life is sentient, composed of both mind and heart intelligence, love will channel itself in the virtues of the heart and enter the consciousness of the individual entity kindling its link to First Source until the time when the entity– sheathed in a human instrument–reawakens to the clear eye of soul.

The six heart virtues blend with one another and form the bond of love that fuses sentient life in the Domain of Unity, and their shadows, though relatively weaker, bond life in the lower dimensions as well. When adversaries, accusers, tempters, or hardships enter your life they can capture your attention, pulling it into the enculturation of the social order, away from the genuine feelings of the heart virtues. This occurs to all people to varying degrees.

Practicing the art of the genuine will enable you to regain and reset your emotional balance with an adeptness that may surprise you. The heart virtues are magnetically powerful because they are the textures of divine love–the most potent force of the multiverse. When you practice these virtues they pull you from the enculturation of the social order and place you in a position of co-creation–not co-reaction. The vast majority of people are practicing the social order and submitting to the rule of co-reaction. Emotions are flaring up, simmering down, flooding the mind with fear, ruling the body, and generally making life more difficult for all. Moreover, the sense of mastery that one achieves in the state of co-creation with First Source is lost or substantially diminished. In this state of co-creation, real or imagined, the heart is enlivened and exhibits artistry in relationships, knowing intuitively how to navigate without co-reaction.

I have resisted the temptation to define the six heart virtues in detail, but I will provide a starting point for their definition so you can embroider them according to your own experience and insight.

Appreciation: At the subtle levels, this virtue is focused on a specific awareness that First Source surrounds our fellow beings as a field of consciousness and that this consciousness unifies us. If we are unified, it follows that we operate as a collective consciousness at some deeper level, and in this place, we share a common purpose that is richly textured, supremely vital, and yet mysterious, dynamic and uncertain. This awareness, or even belief, shifts our focus from the small details of our personal life to the vision of our purpose as a species.

At a more practical level, appreciation expresses itself in the small gestures of gratitude that support relationship loyalty and bonding. The deeper levels of appreciation make the relatively surface level expressions genuine because they stem from the frequencies of soul instead of the motives of the ego or mind.

Humility: The soul expresses the love frequency derived from First Source. It is its most important purpose, while embodied within the human instrument, to circulate this delicate, sublime frequency of love to the human instrument. It will come as no surprise that it finds the heart a more willing collaborator than the mind. Humility is the realization that the heart, mind and soul co-mingle in the grace of First Source. That their very existence is upheld through the dispensation of love from First Source just as surely as a tree is sustained by sunlight.

In the religious, psychological and philosophical materials of our planet there is great consideration given to the mind. As a man thinketh so is he. At a more granular level, many people believe that what they think causes their feelings, which in turn creates their vibratory rate and this vibratory rate attracts their life experience. So, applying this logic, the way to attract good things into our life is to think rightly, lest we attract evil or hardship.

Humility understands that the being that represents you–your fullest identity–is not constituted as a chain reaction of the mind. Rather, it is the presence of love embodied in human form, and this love expresses itself in the virtues of the heart, the pure intellect of the contemplative mind, and the co-creative pursuits of the heart, mind, and soul. Humility is the expression of this love frequency knowing it derives from what already exists in a higher dimension, and in this dimension love is not a thing of sentiment and emotional heaviness. It is a liberating force that acts according to the archetype of First Source: All is one. All is equal. All is divine. All is immortal.

Valor: While valor is generally used in the context of war or the battlefield, it is, as an element of love, linked with the act of speaking truth to power, especially when an injustice is committed. It is common in today’s social order to pretend ignorance of the injustices of our world. Self-absorption in one’s own world is a key threat that undermines the expression of valor, and fear of consequence is the other.

Individuals who fear consequence in pointing out an injustice misunderstand the cocreative force of First Source. When you operate as a co-creator, you are ever vigilant to the incremental or sudden onset of injustice, and when it occurs in your life path, it must be identified for what it is and dealt with. Valor is the aspect of your love that defends its presence in the face of injustice as measured in the social order. If you don’t defend your virtues–or those too weak to defend their own–you have separated from them and have lost an opportunity to be a co-creative force in the world of form.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you must become an activist or advocate for a list of social causes. It simply requires that you defend yourself from injustice. Children in particular require this protection. When I was only about seven years old I vividly remember going to a store with my father and while we were walking in from the parking lot we noticed a mother quite literally beating her child in the backseat of her car. It was a busy Saturday and there were many people in the parking lot, but it was my father who approached the woman and asked her to stop.

His voice was firm from his conviction and the woman immediately stopped. This was an act of valor because there was no real judgment associated with it; it was simply an injustice that required intervention in the moment. Compassion for both the child and the mother were present in my father, and I believe the mother knew this. This is an example of how the virtues of the heart seldom appear in isolation, but rather as an ensemble that braid themselves for strength and potency for a given situation.

Compassion: Many teachers have spoken eloquently about compassion as the deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled to the desire to relieve that suffering. In the context of the new intelligence that is seating itself on our planet, compassion is an active desire to assist others to align with the new fields of intelligence that are manifesting in the three dimensional world, aware that their desire and ability to align is distorted by their social enculturation; it does not accurately reflect their intelligence, spiritual inclinations, or purpose.

The planet we live on is an intelligence unto itself. It is both physical and has very high frequency energetic structures just as we do. It is shifting from the 3rd dimension to the higher 4th dimension and it has been planning this before humanity was even seeded on the planet. It is part of the evolutionary cycle of planetary systems to transmute accumulated densities from one dimension before passing into a higher dimensional grid.

Compassion therefore is extended to both our fellow beings and the planet itself with the realization that we are part of one another’s destiny if only for a single lifetime. Planet and person dance in the ascending currents of First Source in a collaborative process of regeneration and renewal. We are all part of the mysterious overtures and energetic transcendence that is occurring between earth and the universe, and as earth transforms its accumulated densities each of us will be challenged to transform our own, or become further embedded in our fears and emotional turmoil.

We are privileged to be part of the ascending planetary structure of earth’s nurturing spirit and universe importance. There is now present on earth an amazing diversity of cosmic beings sheathed in human instruments, but hailing from incredibly diverse sectors of the cosmos. We are here to witness and support this transcendence of earth over the densities and entrainment of the three dimensional intelligence and its artifacts. We are here to accelerate our spiritual growth in an order of magnitude seldom achieved elsewhere in the multiverse. This is a gift of the earth to those present on the planet at this time, and, in some small measure, the motive for our compassion.

Understanding: The world of form, just as the formless worlds, is composed of energetic structures beneath its denser expression. In a real sense, everything in the multiverse is energy with incalculably long, energy-based lifespans. Energy is transformational; that is, it can alter or shift into other states of being or, in the case of humans, consciousness. The human energetic structure is often described as the chakra system or electromagnetic body, but it is more than these components. The energetic structure is a form of light, which in turn is a texture of divine love.

It is a fact that we are composed of love at our core structure, and it is this love frequency that is the basis of our immortal consciousness or soul. All of the lower densities are shadows of this light and operate in time and space, which provide a sheath of density and separation from this core love frequency. The worlds of time and space alter or dilute this connection we feel to the core energetic structure we all are composed of.

Herein is the paradox of being human: our innermost structure is divine love and our outermost structure is a means of experience for the innermost structure, but we have become entrained by the outer vehicle to the degree where we identify with it more than the occupant–our true self–inside.

All of us feel this dissociation with our true self and over-identification with our vehicle (human instrument); perhaps only in degree is there any difference among us. Understanding is the aspect of heart intelligence that recognizes this dissociation from the love frequency is a necessary design component of the larger blueprint that is occurring on the planet. In other words, it is not that humanity has fallen from grace or is tilted irrevocably toward sin. Rather, we have simply accepted the picture of reality that is dominant, and its dominance is not by accident but by the designs of First Source.

There is a well-known phrase within Lyricus that roughly translated says: “The elegance of time is that it unravels the structures of space that have sealed love from itself.” The structures of space, in this case, refer to the human instrument. Only time can break down the rigid barriers or subtle membranes that prevent or diminish the love frequency from exerting its wisdom in the behaviors of the individual.

If time is the variable of importance, it stands to reason that everyone is on his or her way to this realization, it is simply a matter of time before they achieve it. Thus, time is the differential that separates us. In a sense, we are all time shifted from one another. No one operates in exactly the same time relative to unsealing his or her love frequency from the world of form.

Realizing this helps you to understand the relation of unity to reality, and in this realization you are able to accelerate time for yourself and those with whom your life touches. It is the true purpose and noble definition of time travel.

Forgiveness: Forgiveness operates out of the construct that each of us is doing the best we can under the circumstance of our life experience and the degree that our love frequency saturates our human instrument. When a person operates from the heart virtues and the rich textures of its authentic frequencies, forgiveness is a natural state of acceptance.

When a perceived injustice enters our experience–no matter how significant or whether we perceive ourselves to be the cause or the effect–we may initially react with the sharp emotions of victimhood or annoyance, but this emotional clutter and distortion can be quickly transformed by experiencing understanding --> compassion --> forgiveness --> appreciation. This is the equation that transforms the murky turbulence of victimhood or co-reaction into the crucible of light, leaving behind only the purest frequency of love stripped of all purpose.

Forgiveness is really the outward expression of understanding and compassion without the heavy sentiments of duality (i.e., good and bad) that typically introduce the presence of judgment. It is a neutral expression without design or purpose other than to release yourself from the clutches of time, which is similar to energetic quicksand, entangling you energetically to a time-based emotional state.

The power of the individual is contained in the fluid intelligence of their heart virtues. How one orchestrates their emotional state is reflective of their self-mastery. Equations of the heart virtues are the chain-link behaviors that enable one to move with grace through life’s myriad conditions and situations. The individual who understands the deeper meanings of their heart virtues and applies their equations in their life enrich their purpose on earth and gain access to the highest and most potent form of intelligence: divine love. 

From my world to yours,


(Excerpted from The Art of Genuine)

CMN - Question 10: What do you perceive as the most important single lesson for humanity at this moment in our transition?

James – Answer 10: In a word: practice. The practice of the art of living from the heart, and expressing the six heart virtues of appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding, and valor are key expressions of the highest frequency on this planet: the vibration of equality. When people are enamored by complex spiritual laws, the systems of manifestation, the exploration of cosmology or the observance of rituals and ceremony, they may fill their minds with information, but ask yourselves: “How is this information leading me to the expression of my heart’s virtues?”

Here’s a hypothetical for your consideration. Imagine if there was an undisclosed text from a credible source that one hundred people read. The text was focused on one simple premise: water is a special medium that conforms to your emotional radiation. If you radiate and infuse water with gratitude and love, it will impart a potent dose of well-being and boost your immunity. Of the one hundred people reading this text, fifty will consider it a reasonable hypothesis assuming its sources are credible and scientific. Of these fifty people, twenty-five will try it once or twice. Of these twenty-five, ten will persist in the practice for a period of one to fourteen days. Of these ten, five will persist in the practice for a period more than fourteen days. Of these five, two will experiment and create practices that are a creation of their own.

In this hypothetical example, only 2 percent of the readers actually applied the information persistently, and created something with it, in this case, a technique for infusing water with healing properties. Why did the other ninety-eight readers ignore the information and elect not to put it into practice and create a technique based on the information? In many cases it is because they moved on to the next thing. They found new information to occupy their minds. They are like bumblebees pollinating a field of ideas, where the construct of New is king.

The heart virtues are accessible and simple. Their potency is an order of magnitude greater than the mind’s energies. They are a connected force, and there is nothing new about them. They have been the constant in the soul’s incarnational life.

In Lyricus, there is a phrase called Priorities of Practice. We use it to describe how individuals place their focus on the practices that matter, not in the sense of achievement, but in the sense of wielding the energy of the heart to the needs of the human family. We have been taught by the social order that
what we cannot cure, we must endure. And the list of what is incurable seems to grow with every passing day, and I’m not speaking about medical conditions. I’m speaking about the missteps of our global leadership, the selfishness of business, and the falsehoods that are promulgated by the media, to name a just a few.

Anyone who is connected to the state of our world perceives the “incurable” everywhere they turn, and the resulting apathy or the self-indulgence of distraction has become our gesture of endurance. If one can set forth the Priorities of Practice, and make this shift to their heart’s wisdom; find the vibration of equality within them, and radiate this vibration through the heart virtues, they have shared a cure—they have done more than merely endure.

I’ve written extensively about how one can practice the heart virtues and these e-papers are free and available at www.eventtemples.com.

You may be asking yourself, what is the vibration of equality? How do I recognize it? Why is it so important? But discovering the answers is part of the practice; they are discovered as a result of your practice. Your initial resonance with the idea—the abstraction itself—is all that’s required to determine if you are attracted to the feel of the practice. Not everyone has gone through the search for arcane knowledge long enough, hard enough, to have found them unsatisfying. And this is generally a prerequisite of shifting to the heart’s wisdom and expressing it.

Excerpted from CMN Interview with James

Living from the Heart
